Username: your first initial and last name, all lowercase
Password: agcor123, all lowercase
Your first prompt should be to select a vehicle, if it takes you directly to the home page select the yellow vehicle button(bottom middle) if the vehicle assigned to you is different then the one you are in
Make sure that your tablet or phone is connected to the truck wifi, to do this go to the settings button, select Wi-Fi, the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to should be “agcor driver” and the password is: agcor 123
To upload bill of lading, select the purple documents button(bottom left), select submit new document, select bill of lading, select photos, select add page, select take photo if taking a live picture then or choose from library if uploading a photo taken earlier, select next, enter reference number then select next, enter any notes if applicable then select done, select submit document and wait until a message appears saying “document submitted” if still pending and you close the app or do anything to move away from the current screen it will not save
Upon arrival and departure of the job site please take pictures for proof of delivery to ensure that the yard and materials are undamaged, or if the yard is already damaged before you arrive and make notes as applicable. to upload the proof of delivery follow the same upload steps in section 6 on bill of lading
To upload fuel receipt, upload a photo of the fuel receipt, select the fuel type, enter the gallons purchased down to the last three decimals(do not forget to input the decimal), enter the total cost down to the last two decimals(do not forget to input the decimal), enter the fuel station address, enter the fuel stop date & time(if you do this at the pump it will automatically populate the date & time for you), enter any notes if applicable.